The sunset is life’s way of saying “Good job! You survived today. Here’s something pretty.”
Adelaide welcomed me with showers and gloomy skies the moment I stepped foot on its land. I was warned, South Australia’s weather is not as stable as what I’m used to back in Sydney. Of course, winter weather is not my concern at the moment. I am ecstatic to come visit my friends and no rain can hinder my adventure ride South.
My Travel Mantra Worked!
A lot of you probably know what I always tell myself and the people around me every time I travel out. ALWAYS BRING YOUR OWN SUNSHINE. It never failed me. This time around, I was skeptic. Knowing that Adelaide is known for its unpredictable weather conditions, I was wondering whether my mantra will work in this part of the world. It always did back in the Philippines when I was traveling island per island for the entirety of 2016. I still went traveling rain or shine, and every time I go out I would always have a piece of sunlight. Anyway, I stayed indoors for the first few hours of being in Adelaide. I subtly ate lunch, did some catch-up with my high school mate, and settled in their house where I would be staying for

My high school mate, Mia. That’s 15 years of friendship, all the way from the streets of Manila to the picturesque shores of Adelaide ladies and gentlemen. Thank you! Haha
5 days (thanks for adopting me guys). I was totally ready to give in, that my mantra probably won’t work in South Australia. But of course, I was still hoping.
So I went out about 2 in the afternoon, and poof! The sun started peeping out from behind the thick clouds. The skies were starting to clear. WOW! Just wow! My mantra is working! I cannot believe this! Mia and I were both thrilled so we drove about 15 minutes from Netley to Glenelg in the hopes of catching some sunset.
Bridges are Jetties and Ports are Harbours
Or probably in the entirety of Australia, wooden walkways standing across the shore and some parts of the ocean are called jetties. When my friend told me that she was taking me to the “jetty”, I was expecting some boats or yachts lined up across a port.
Back home, or at least in Boracay (where people spend most summers), jetty ports are like mini parking lots for boats. But here in Australia, it’s a bridge way where the public can enjoy the view of the ocean without walking on the sands.
Glenelg Captured my Heart
It’s a scenic view once you get to catch sunset at Glenelg. A rocky part of the beach would take you to a mini-cliff where sea lions play on the waters below. It was truly a breathtaking experience. We never knew about the sea lions in the area, but there was this Italian guy with his son who tried to show us his discovery. He was trying to tell us in his language, which of course, we did not understand. He was struggling with English, even in sign language. However, he was kind enough to show us some photos in his camera and pointed towards the end of the cliff. So that was what he was trying to tell us. There were sea lions playing in the waters which we did not get to see up close. We were too scared to go further the end of the cliff because it was getting dark and the tides were rising. Too scared for our lives. Apologies.
The sun setting over the shore of Glenelg was a captivating view. We were expecting the temperature to drop lower, but the skies finally cooperated. It remained steady, and the weather condition was just enough for us to be able to capture the stunning moment. I’m only here once. It would take me a while before I can go back, so I have to seize every minute of it.
I have yet to see Victor Harbour, Henley, Brighton, and Semaphore. It’s probably a sign. Adelaide is telling me to come back soon. Glenelg is probably one of those sunsets I would never forget. Not because I traveled 2 hours from Sydney by plane, but because after almost 10 years of not seeing each other, I got to spend quality time bonding with one of my closest buddies in high school.
Peace is seeing the sunrise or sunset and knowing who to thank and what to be thankful for.