Coming from someone who’s been living in Sydney for several months now, I am pretty much hyped that I finally got the chance to fly somewhere else. It was during my management class a month ago when I saw the seat sales sitting on my e-mail and so I randomly booked the flights from Sydney to Adelaide and back. Everything was set already. I would be staying at my friends’ and we will be enjoying, eating, and traveling around during my entire stay. But geez! Things happen. Only to realize that it was the week of the queen’s birthday, I had to move my flights a week later due to class extensions. It cost me the same amount to re-book the flights so I ended up paying the price of a normal flight (so much for seat sales). Anyway…
I took the earliest flight to Adelaide. I left my house at 5:30 in the morning, took the train to the airport while struggling with 8 degrees winter weather. I was planning to travel light really, with just my tiny backpack as my personal bag and a small luggage to hand-carry. But, WINTER IS REAL! Winter clothes would definitely not fit in a hand-carry luggage. So fine! Medium luggage for check-in it is. The thing about Adelaide is that it has an erratic weather. Mornings would start at about 5 degrees, noon would be at about 15 to 18, and then temperature would drop again from fridge to freezer the moment the sun sets. So if people would ask me, how is winter in Australia? My first answer would be… Which part? If you know what I mean. Sydney winter is very much tolerable than any place I’ve spent winters on. And Adelaide? Well, let’s just say it was a bit of fine-tuning.
There is something about Adelaide that reminds me of home (Manila) a lot. It’s definitely not the ambiance, because for me, Adelaide is too Aussie. Houses are built like The Sims, streets are clean and organized, and there’s this little central place they call “city” which is like a block at George Street in Sydney CBD. But, it’s fun how Adelaidians enjoy the laid-back life and the tiny piece of “city ” life in the middle of quietness.
One thing I like most about this part of Australia is that everything is fairly cheap. From transportation, food, and basic commodities, as well as things that has to do with my craft (which is Pastry Arts and Baking)… EVERYTHING IS CHEAP COMPARED TO SYDNEY! Yes! I know. Sydney is one of the most expensive cities to live in that’s why it made me wonder, why am I here? LOL. OK, while I am writing this, I just remembered something. I FORGOT TO BUY HALF DOZEN SALTED EGGS FOR $5 ONLY! It would cost me double the price here at Sydney! Daamnnn!
Eating out is a fair quest as well. I was craving for a bowl of Japanese Ramen and some gyoza and we took our shot somewhere in the city. Boy I was not surprised that everything is $5 cheaper than where I live. Why, Sydney? Why? That’s about Php 185 (in Peso) and yes, it’s a big deal to me!
Remembering this conversation I had with my friend’s cousin, Ate Jhing.
AJ: How much is your usual fare in Sydney?
Me: Well, from my place to school it’s usually $6 one way by train. It depends where you’re going.
AJ: What? That’s so expensive! Here in Adelaide, it doesn’t matter where you’re going. Doesn’t matter how near or far. It’s flat rate. $1.70 for a bus ride and you can use that for 2 hours as long as you keep the ticket if you don’t have a card.
Me: Should I transfer here now? LOL.
One of my closest friends since High School picked me up at Adelaide Domestic Airport. The weather was not too cooperative when I arrived. There were torrential rains which they call “showers” and the skies were all gray. But, I did not lose hope. I have this mantra every time I travel, “BRING YOUR OWN SUNSHINE”. So Mia, my friend, was like… “Dude, this is Adelaide! Your mantra won’t work here.” I laughed it off. We’ll see, dear. We’ll see.
Lunch was served. As I requested, it was Arroz Caldo with boiled eggs (Filo version of Chicken and Ginger Congee) and Fried Tofu which I missed so much for my entire months living in Sydney. Hearing stories about fellow Filipinos living in Adelaide is ultimately one feature of my stay there. You see, everyone has a story to tell. Filipinos in general love to cook, but it’s a different story when you are living abroad, with limited ingredients for all the dishes that we used to eat at home. Family gatherings are always fun-filled with Filipino dishes as the highlight.
Adelaide is not as busy as Sydney. Shops close at 5 in the afternoon. People start their day early and finish early as well. Dinner is served at 6 PM, and bed time is as early as 9 PM. Mind you, back in Sydney, one of my classes finishes at 9:30 PM so screw 9:00 PM bedtime. LOL. Living in Adelaide is not a bad idea. Especially when your closest friends live next to you or a suburb away.
TO BE CONTINUED… (Check out my future posts about sights around Adelaide.)